Naturopathic medicine uses modern, traditional, scientific and empirical methods to help prevent and treat disease.  It is the art and science of supporting the natural healing processes of the patient.  The underlying principles in naturopathic medicine are:

1.  First do no harm

2.  Treat the underlying cause of disease

3.  Treat the whole person;  physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

4.  Promote well-being through knowledge and education

5.  Focus on preventive medicine

6.  Help remove obstacles to natural healing processes


In BC, naturopathic physicians (NDs) are trained as general practitioners in complementary medicine, and provide a full range of diagnostic tests and therapies.  These therapies include a wide variety of modalities, including clinical nutrition, life style counselling, herbal (botanical medicine), homeopathy, spinal manipulation, hydrotherapy, drug therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, and intravenous therapies to name a few of the more common ones.  The modalities and tests that I offer can be found in more detail on this website.